This is Us

We are a team of passionate designers, developers, scrum masters, testers, and managers based in beautiful South Africa. Our backgrounds are diverse. But we share an approach to work based on the core principles of being design-led and detail-orientated, combining the mature disciplines around Agile project management with the latest innovations around low code and AI.
We compare ourselves with the best in the world and are incredibly proud to have been recognised as such.
But we do none of this by ourselves. We always strive to build long-term, collaborative relationships with our clients, understanding that their success will also benefit us.
We are different from other developers. We have launched and managed our own successful apps. In fact that is where it all started. We have learned the hard way what works what doesn't. This is why we always offer our clients advice and suggestions because our success is so closely intertwined with theirs.
Our clients are from all over the world (25 countries and counting!). We have perfected the remote-working model, and our central time-zone, international culture and having English as our first language really helps us to build meaningful relationships with our global clients. We can accept international payments in USD, EURO, GBP or ZAR by card, Paypal or bank transfer.

App Developer Studio is a registered company established in 2008 (CIPRO number: 2008/260088/23). We are VAT registered, tax and B-BBEE compliant.

Launched Apps
MTN App of the Year

Who We Are

We started out only building our own app in 2012 when apps were barely a thing yet. Whilst it won several awards and several companies wanted us to build them apps, it was highly unprofitable! Lesson #1 - you need a business model and MVP to test the concept and be agile.

For many years we exclusively built native applications using our dedicated team of developers in India but doing the project management from here in SA. In 2019 we took the plunge and started using hybrid platforms such as Flutter. Until then we were not convinced of their performance, stability or scalability.

We noticed that the single biggest reason for our (or anybody's) apps to fail, was poor UX/ UI design. And also that if we started development before we had a clear design, the project became very messy and the integrity of the vision was compromised. So we built our own amazing in-house team of designers and also embraced Agile Project Management Methodology which ensures we can test and learn as we go.

We avoided low code app development platforms before FlutterFlow. We had seen too many come and go, often taking the apps built in them down with them. But FlutterFlow's approach, design, backing and the fact that we own and can export the code at anytime persuaded us it would be the next big thing. How right we were and in 2023 we were very priviledged to be made one of just eight global Official FlutterFlow Experts.

2023 was also the year of generative AI and we are AI-optimists, being incredibly excited about the amazing potential it offers. True to form, we haven't just talked about it but by Q1 2024 we've launched 3 AI projects and have another 4 in the pipeline!


Our Journey

Satpack Travel
Established (Own App)
Rebranded App Developer Studio
Hybrid Apps and Cloud Services
Won MTN App of Year Categories
FlutterFlow Experts, Gen. AI Launches
Our Values

Our Core Values


We've seen it many times - the single largest reason apps fail is poor UX, UI or technical design.


Small mistakes cause many unintended consequences in development.


We have succeeded through continuous change. If we stop, we will fail like most of our competitors.


Clients' projects will continue only if they make (or save) money (or effort). We understand how to make this happen from having our own app businesses.


With our clients and each other. The remarkable power of a phone call, a product demo, a joint bug "squashathon" session or a well-structured email.


We always ask ourselves "What would we do" when offering advice to our clients. And, when we are going to miss a deadline (it happens!) we don't hide it.

Phone showing the designs we do
Work With Us

Have a project? Let’s Work Together!

We are a full service, full stack development agency. We design, develop and help you to launch successful apps, websites, AI solutions and bots.

Laptop showing the work we do