People think about the meaning of dreams in some similar and some different ways. A pleasant dream could mean that the present moments in the dreamer’s life are good or perfectly fine overall. A nightmare could be the dreamer struggling to let go of a traumatic event or even just the fear conjured by a scary movie. What these, and many other perspectives of dreams, share is that many people deem dreams to be fleeting artifacts of the abstract mind that hold no real value once the dreamer wakes up. Sleep experts, psychologists, and other practitioners and researchers disagree. Dreams are more than just inconsequential, abstract manifestations of a current emotion or experience. Depending on how a person engages with their dreams, insights into emotions and experiences — past, present, and future — can be uncovered and acted upon. Dreamigos was created to this objective — a tool and space to enable people to nurture a more meaningful consideration for their dreams and help them channel that into something impactful.
Dreams can hold insights that can greatly and positively affect the experiences and overall life of the dreamer. Yet, for most people, all that potential remains undiscovered because of a myopic, surface-level understanding of dreams and how they can be made use of.
A first step to extracting value from one’s dreams is to record as much detail from each dream. An app is a very suited format for the objective because smartphones are media-rich devices that are good for recording, portable, and widely accessible. Interpreting dreams can be difficult at first, especially in isolation. To get into the habit of trusting one’s subjectivity and understanding many ways in which a singular dream can be interpreted, community is important as it opens your mind to different perspectives. Smartphones are great for long-distance communication and content sharing — community connecting. As a tool, the Dreamigos app allows a dreamer to record their dreams in text, audio, and images. As a safe space, Dreamigos allows people to share selected recorded dreams and engage with dreamers and experts.
Text, audio, and image capturing to record dreams. A social media feed composed of posts with text and images, emoji reactions, and commenting. Dream recording streak indicator and personal app engagement stats.
“One of our core tenets is not just to interpret dreams and connect people; we’re also passionate about educating our users with factual information about dreams. This is why it’s important dream sharing is conducted under the watch of experts: scientists, psychiatrists and psychologists. An education hub allows dreamers to come as they are—whether they come in wanting help remembering dreams, wanting to experience lucid dreaming or wanting to try their hand at dream yoga.”
Dreamigos is an iOS and Android app home to a community of dreamers recording their dreams and learning from them. They share their intriguing, loaded, humorous, insightful, and even everyday-mundane dreams. They do the work, then grow. Through the app, dreamers can schedule consultations with Patrick Laine, Ph.D. and partners for support in their dream and self-discovery journeys. This Forbes article provides insights into Dreamigos’ conception and explores why dreaming and dream-sharing can be powerful tools for self-improvement and connection.
Dreamigos is a dream interpretation, social media app. It allows people to record their dreams in various media formats and engage on dreams with other people and experts.
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