Design & Prototype

Why it is so important to start with design and how we build app prototypes.

We don't do ugly

User experience is the single most important determinant of an app's success.

It all starts with a whiteboard and strong coffee

We never start a project without at least wireframes and ideally a full prototype. There are several reasons for this:

  • The user experience is the most important factor in an app's success so we must start by being laser-focused on this. We shouldn't allow technology (or its limitations) to come before the user interaction. 
  • It is easy to collaborate and dynamically change wireframes; to reorder them, to move buttons around. Rather do this before any code has been written.
  • There is nowhere to hide with design so it helps define the scope. A prototype should have all the core screens showing all the main functions. If it's not there, it's not in scope. If it is there, we need to work out what it must do and how long that will take to build.
  • It gets everyone on the same page. You, your stakeholders, our project managers, designers and developers all know what the deliverable is. This removes ambiguity and disappointment later on.
  • If you need to get investment, stakeholder approval or just something to show to partners before the launch, it is a great sales tool that can be installed on their phone with just a couple of taps and they will understand the purpose and value of the app (and your competence to deliver it).
  • Our local team of designers with more than 20 combined years in web and app design collaborate with you using a variety of best-in-class collaboration platforms for wireframing and design such as Figma, FigJam, Miro Photoshop and Illustrator. We also embrace generative AI tools to help brainstorm and image generation.

Typical App Prototype Deliverables

  • App Icon
  • Splash Screen
  • Onboarding Screens
  • Registration/ Login Screens
  • Home Page
  • Main functional screens showing core content and features (defined up front)
  • Navigation Elements (interactive so users can tap through the app screens etc.)
  • Colour Scheme
  • Fonts/ Buttons/ Styles
  • Hamburger Menu
  • Installs on an Android or iPhone phone and can be shared through a link
  • You own the content and creative output

Our App Prototype Process

We have a finely tuned process for our prototypes, with Figma templates and boards which allow you to see progress and comment in real time.

1. We will allocate a team of experienced UI/UX designers and a project manager and product owner to the project. They will be briefed on the idea and any other pertinent information.

2. We will have a kick-off workshop or call with you to discuss the app, the target market, thoughts on design/ style and the main use cases. 

3. We will conduct desktop research, if applicable, to understand the target market and competitive landscape.

4. We will create inspiration or mood boards in Figma of creative concepts we think are relevant to your idea.

5. We will create user personas (examples of typical users of the app) and app mood boards. 

6. [If logo or app icon design is in scope] ADS will create app icon or logo design options (typically 3-5) for client review and feedback. ADS will provide two further iterations of the preferred design/s.

7. We will create a high-level Information Architecture (i.e. skeleton of the main user journeys) for you to review and sign off.

8. We will create wireframes of the relevant screens for you to review and approve.

9. We will create example home screen designs for client review and input. 

10. We will then apply the agreed design to the wireframes.

11. Then the designs are completed, we will convert them into a prototype with clickable links for buttons that can be shared with the client.

Laptop showing the work we do
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Have a project? Let’s Work Together!

We design, develop and help you to launch apps, websites and bots.
